Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Flower crown

There is an extremely charming tradition in Ukraine that I would like to tell you about. Amoung numerouse exquisite headwear that ukrainian women used to wear, it`s worth to distinguish FLOWER CROWNS. Girls from childhood till their marriage used to wear different flower crowns appropriate to their age. It used to be not just decoration, but also a protector. As every single flower in a crown had a symbolic meaning. For example: Camomile is a symbol of youth, kindness, tenderness. Apple and cherry flowers symbolized mother's love. Achilles millefolium had a meaning of endurance.Vinca symbolized life itself. Viburnum berries were also used for decorating crowns not only due to deep and bright red color, but also for being the main symbol of Ukraine! Hellichrysum arenarium is used for healing, that's why it keeps symbolics of health and immortality. I will tell more in future posts:) The good news is that thistradition didn't die as many other, but is experiencing a renecance and a new strong of popularity   . I'm very happy with this fact. Finally I don't look too a avangard wearing a flower crown to work, as there are more and more girls who feel the same way.     This time I decided to share with you some photos of the transformed to nowadays model of a flower crown and some pics of the process of creation. My roses are made of FoamEva material and organza. Hope these photos will give you inspiration to create something amazing!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hedgehog 2

I'm not the only ukrainian girl that adors hedgehogs. Ancient Ukrainians even immortalized their love to these cute predators by introducing tradition to make a hedgehog from straw, dust and spikes for Christmas. It used to be a symbol of prosperity:) This is one of the options how to create it. You only need a ball of dry dust and straw and your masterpiece is done:))) all the genial things are easy :))))

Hedgehog :))))

Now I definitely know that spring has come, as today in the evening coming back from I heard a strange noise near my house. It was a hedgehog !!!! I'm so happy that hedgehogs have already woken up!!!                                          Me and Sonechka ( my cat ) got acquainted with these amazing creatures the last summer and missed them a lot :) 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Ukrainian traditional straw decorations "Pavuk"-Spider

This is my first post, my first blog and I have no idea how to do it, but I have such a big desire to share my passion to folkloric art with you that I`m ready to study hard.)))))) 

My love with straw breading began long ago and I will definately tell you this romantic story in the next post.
 But now I want to share some picturesof my favourite "spiders" that I made specially for exhibition in the Ivan Honchar Museum of Ukrainian traditions in Kyiv.

Spider is a geometric construction made of straw and threads. Ukrainians used to call it a spider as it used to be hang from the top of the ceiling in a corner called "pokuttya" (the corner decorated with icons, embroidered towels, angels) while real spiders prefer to live exactly in the corners.
 One of legends tells that the whole Universe was inweaved as the greatest masterpiece of a spider.
   These constructions are also called Universe. 
Ukrainians used to create them gathering all the family together and making element by element.
 The Spider`s mision was to absorb negative energy, to purify the ambience and to bring happiness to the house.
Each year during celebration of winter holydays the old spider who absorbed negativity of the year was burned and a new one created.